Going Green: How Biodegradable Coffee Sleeves Contribute to a Sustainable Business Model

Coffee cup with custom coffee sleeve

Coffee shops spark joy in millions of lives every single day. From the early-morning jumpstart to the midday treat and the afternoon pick-me-up, a delicious cup of coffee can go a long way in improving a tough day or turning someone’s mood around. Most caffeine consumers would agree: coffee shops are a force for good in the world.

However, there’s a less joyful side to this daily pleasure: to-go coffee unfortunately contributes tremendous amounts of waste to landfills. Single-use plastics, commonly used for convenience, can take decades to decompose in overstuffed landfills. While protective elements like coffee sleeves are essential for the safety and comfort of your customers, it’s crucial to be mindful of how these elements impact the environment.

One impactful solution is to utilize biodegradable coffee sleeves. This simple switch can significantly mitigate the negative environmental impact associated with single-use plastics disposable coffee accessories

The Importance of Sustainability in Coffee Shops

Businesses of all types have a responsibility to reduce environmental harm in any way possible. By design, coffee shops with to-go options unfortunately produce large amounts of waste every day. Sadly, U.S. consumers throw away an estimated 50 billion coffee cups every year, and the plastic lining in disposable coffee cups can take up to 30 years to break down in a landfill. For the good of the planet and to attract sustainability-minded consumers, coffee shops should consider using eco-friendly materials for their to-go beverage options.

Custom cup sleeve with green leaves next top a bow of whole coffee beans

In addition to benefiting the world and reducing waste, embracing sustainable practices and materials also allows coffee shops to better align with a growing number of eco-conscious consumers. As the environmental impacts of overfilled landfills and global warming make themselves more apparent year after year, more and more consumers have adopted mindful buying practices that prioritize caring for the earth. By doing your part to reduce waste, you can also help your brand appeal to this impact-driven customer base.

The Environmental Benefits of Using Biodegradable Sleeves

By using biodegradable coffee sleeves, coffee shops can contribute to environmental benefits including:

  • Reduced waste: When coffee sleeves are made from plastic or come with thick synthetic coatings, they take exponentially longer to break down. These materials don’t decompose on their own, which means they end up in backed up landfills or even in the ocean. While plastic is affordable and has its uses, single-use plastic and styrofoam products are harming and overcrowding the planet at an alarming rate. 
  • Cleaner oceans: When plastic waste ends up in the ocean, marine life suffers. Sea turtles, whales, sea birds, and hundreds of other species are dying from accidentally ingesting too much plastic. Using biodegradable coffee sleeves helps keep plastic waste out of oceans. 
  • Fewer harmful chemicals: Some coffee sleeve and cup materials like styrofoam contain cancer-causing chemicals such as styrene, which can end up in the water supply where they pose health risks for entire communities. 
  • Reduction in carbon emissions: Creating and disposing of single-use plastics contributes to millions of metric tons of greenhouse gasses and carbon dioxide emissions entering the atmosphere. Opting for natural, biodegradable materials instead helps reduce carbon emissions. 

By opting for biodegradable coffee sleeves, coffee shops can do their part to keep waste out of the atmosphere, the water, and landfills. Since biodegradable materials break down on their own much more quickly than materials like plastic, sustainable coffee cups and sleeves are much less harmful to the environment and human health. 

Integrating Biodegradable Sleeves into Your Business Model

Integrating biodegradable custom coffee sleeves into your business model is a cost-effective and impactful move. Between fast-developing technology and widespread emphasis on earth-friendly materials, there are now countless options for sustainable coffee cups and sleeves. 

When you purchase custom coffee sleeves through Britevision, you can rest assured that you’re doing your part for the environment. By using paper sleeves and soy-based inks, Britevision ensures that all custom coffee sleeves can easily and naturally break down after use. 

As you make the transition and integrate biodegradable coffee sleeves into your business model, take the time to update your budget and projections. Hold staff meetings to let your employees know what will be changing, and if it aligns with your overall brand, create messaging to share the good news with your customers. With Britevision, you could even create custom coffee sleeves that communicate your switch to biodegradable materials and your commitment to the environment.When businesses make changes to better the world, the impacts have a ripple effect. Imagine how much plastic your coffee shop will help keep out of landfills for the many thriving years you’re in business! Get started creating beautiful and biodegradable coffee sleeves today.